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Сonversational club

BassPaul: Я (да я думаю многие) хотят хорошо знать английский язык. Как правило, знание теории ещё ничего не означает, ведь помимо того, чтобы её знать, её надо уметь применять. А для этого нужна практика, а её обычно не хватает. Вообщем, идея этого клуба заключается в том, что здесь мы будем общаться только на английском... собственно можно даже выделить этот клуб (если мою идею поддержат) в отдельную динию и там создавать темы и т.д... Более опытные будут поправлять менее опытных. Ведь когда учишь кого-то то и твои знания укрепляются, улучшаются. Как вы думаете?

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Maccarock: Лично я в таких случаях ссылаюсь на "проверенные" песни: "You may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one"

Yuko: BassPaul Tnen offer the theme for conversatin!!!

BassPaul: never mind...

McCashka: Here some english humor. Enjoy: A guy was smoking a cigarette. Another guy comes up to him and asks, "Do you have an extra cigarette?" The first guy looks at the box and reads that it contains20 cigarettes. He counts all the cigarettes in his box and says,"Nope, don't got any extra cigarettes".

McCashka: And another one: A waiter asks a man, “May I take your order, sir?” “Yes,” the man replies. “I’m just wondering, exactly how do you prepare your chickens?” “Nothing special, sir. We just tell them straight out that they’re going to die.”

McCashka: Sorry for this

McCashka: And the last one, for today : A woman sat on a plane heading for New York, when the pilot annouces that because of difficulties with the plane's engines, he must make an emergency landing. The woman, fearing that this may be the end of her life looks over to a man sitting next to her and rips her shirt and bra off, and throws herself on him. "Make me feel like a woman again!" she screamed. So the man rips his shirt off and hands it to her. "Here you go, you crazy bitch, iron this."


SunnySmile: I saw this topic just today, and I think it is a good idea, to use English! I like to speak foreign languages! Especially English! By the way, McCashka, I can`t understand this joke. Explain, please.

Maccarock: SunnySmile How many languages do you speak? Unfortunately, I'm not sure that McCashka is attending our forum these days, so I'll try to explain you this joke myself like I understand it. In my opinion, these man and woman have different ways in understanding male treatment to women. Woman considers it like a romantic love/sex thing, man thinks that a woman was made to clean, wash and use iron. And he gave this opportunity to her to satisfact her female wish

SunnySmile: Maccarock Thanks for explain. So, I learn English all my life and speak well for my age. At the last year I have been in Spain. So, I know some words in Spanish. I can tell about my self and be understood in shop or restaurant. Now I`m started to learn French. I have already been in Paris and I dream for live there (By the way, my boyfriend lives there ). So, I learn French by my self. I use a text-book for 3-years old children.

Maccarock: SunnySmile пишет: my boyfriend lives there Oh yeaaahhhh... Don't loose this great opportunity!!! Paris is great!! I'd love to be there sometime! And what about French? Is it easier than English or not?

SunnySmile: Maccarock пишет: Oh yeaaahhhh... Don't loose this great opportunity!!! It`s not so funny as you think. We can`t see each other so long time. I miss him so much... About French: It`s easy to understand writing-system, but talk with people and understand them...

Maccarock: Oh sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings! I wish you to see him again !!

SunnySmile: Don`t worry, I`m all right. Thank you. I hope we will meet again sometime. But, if we can`t I always can go to " Wait for me" program.

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